“I always wanted to travel the world but I never really had the courage. I’m from Australia but I have a British passport so when Brexit happened it pushed me to plan this trip. I saved up 7000 euro’s so I think I will manage for a while. The idea of this journey is to grow and to get rid of my anxiety I have to talk to strangers. A few weeks before I left I started to get really nervous and the day before my flight I was shitting myself. I barely slept on my flight over here but once I arrived at the Amsterdam airport most of my fear was gone. I have been here for nearly a week and I’m still getting used to the idea that I won’t be going home for a while. I’m not used to being surrounded by this many people and I’m trying not to get run over by bikes. Still I’m enjoying every minute of this experience. Since my arrival I only had a few moments of anxiety. Sometimes the thought of being here all by myself scares me but the other day when I got back to my hostel I had a great conversation with another guest and I realized that we are never really alone.”

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