A few days ago I was walking down Rembrandt square when suddenly I noticed this little girl with bright red shoes being completely hypnotized by two street musicians. I got to talk with her father who told me they were from South Africa and her name is Barbara. I asked him if I could take her picture. He said it was no problem but I would need to get her attention by myself. ‘Things that move tend to hypnotize her’. I kept calling her again and again without any success. I wasn’t going to give up and after a few minutes she gave me this look.
After I took her photo, I sat down and I kept observing her. Then I saw her father encouraging her to take a big step.

Check out what happened:

Small step for mankind, big step for Barbara.

I arrived from the states yesterday. Now I am drawing my first impression of Holland.

“If you could give the younger generation a word of advice, what would it be?”
“Stand up for your rights! I might be an old hippie but in my young days we protested against the violation of what we thought was right”
“What exactly should they fight for these days?”
“Well for example, they should fight for their privacy rights. These days it’s almost impossible to pay with cash money cause they want to know what you spend. All our mobile devices are being tracked all our information is out there for grabs. And we…we just stand there and watch . But then again I might just be an old hippie.”

“What is the hardest thing about being 14?”
“Being a child and becoming an adult at the same time. While your dad is secretly following you around to see if you are not lying about going to your friend, your mum is asking you if you should be on birth control.”

“Where did you two meet?”
“We met on an online dating site, it’s actually our first date.”
“Did you both mention ‘blue hair’ in your dating profile?”
“Well I did, he didn’t.Then he showed up with the same hair color.”