“After my relationship ended my friends told me to go on Tinder. I had never heard of such an app but I was open to it. I matched with a woman from The Hague. After chatting with her for two months we decided to go on a date. I drove to The Hague and we went to shore and we ate some fish. The week after she came to see me in Amsterdam. From that moment on we have been together. She is such a good person and I am so lucky that I have found her. Sometimes it amazes me how this world works though. If I would have swiped the other way we would have never met. We would not have been in a four year relationship and I would not have moved to The Hague.”
“Growing up I didn’t believe in love. I think its because I never really had a good example. My parents divorced when I was young. My siblings and I lived with my mum and she had to manage on her own. We are a family of 5 kids and we would always stick together and even now that we are adults and live in different countries we keep in touch on a daily basis.
When I graduated my sister came all the way from China while being 6 months pregnant just to be at my graduation. If my parents would have stayed in the perfect relationship we would not have cherished each other that much. Now that I’m an adult I understand that the situation between my parents is something between them. I realized that if you want to find love you have to let go of your guard. Even if that means getting hurt.’‘
“I was two years in a relationship while I was in love with someone else. Not a day went by without thinking of him. A few months ago I decided to end my relationship and now I finally get to be with this person. The love I have for him is so intense that sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming.”
Ed van der Elsken (1925-1990) is seen as one of the best street photographers of the Netherlands. The Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam currently has a big exhibition of his work and they’re organizing a photo contest in honor of Ed’s work. I was asked to be an ambassador of this photo contest. I took this photo last year at the Central Station of Amsterdam and selected this to be part of the contest. The reason for selecting this photo is that it reminded me of one my favorite portraits of Ed (Google: Ed van der Elsken, girl in subway). The assignment of the contest is to capture the interaction between you and the person you photograph. To enter you have to share (before May 1st) your photo on Facebook or Instagram and use #deverliefdecamera, #fotowedstrijd and @stedelijkmuseum. The winning photographers will receive a spot in the Ed van der Elsken’s exhibition in the Stedelijk Museum of Amsterdam.
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