“Eight months ago we met in this horrible club called ‘The purple turtle’. She seemed to be the only interesting person around. We talked for hours about all kinds of subjects such as art, philosophy and the Latin language. One week later we spontaneously took off for Paris and one month after that she moved in with me on my boathouse. We have been inseparable ever since. A few months ago I came up with the idea to propose to her. We go to the same university so I thought it would be cool to propose to her through our university magazine. I wrote an entire article and send it to the editorial office. Unfortunately they refused to take it serious. After that I tried to propose to her several times but every time something went wrong. It took me a few weeks and 5 proposals before she got the message. Lucky for me everything worked out and now we are on our honeymoon. We are only 19 and 20 years old but I think the fact that we are both a bit crazy makes us work.”