“After seeing a photo of that little boy who washed down the shore I said to myself, that’s it. I can no longer sit around and do nothing. I have four children myself and if they were in danger I would like someone to help them out. I started to collect money from friends and family. With the money we collect we buy things like water, food and needed supplies. I even sent out an email to the golf society asking for donations. There was one person who replied explaining his views on the refugee crises and why he didn’t want to donate. Later on we had a fundraising event and he ended up donating a big cheque.”
“Last night while my wife, our baby and I were sleeping we suddenly heard a loud explosion. Our gas burner had exploded. Luckily we woke up in time and we managed to get out of our tent. The volunteers have given us a new tent to live in. Now I’m just moving the...