“You know.. We have reporters entering the camp all the time. They come in with their big camera’s, they take a few photo’s ask a few questions and then leave again. No matter how many photo’s they take or how many stories we tell them, nothing changes. We are still stuck here in the mud while our lives pass by. We don’t need another story written about us, we need a solution.” (Dunkirk)

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“Last night while my wife, our baby and I were sleeping we suddenly heard a loud explosion. Our gas burner had exploded. Luckily we woke up in time and we managed to get out of our tent. The volunteers have given us a new tent to live in. Now I’m just moving the...

“Back in Ireland I’m a carpenter. I came here to help building a kitchen. I was supposed to stay for 10 days but has been over a month I’m still here. Right now I’m trying to build a woman and children’s center but the police refuses to let building materials in...

“Don’t you see I have superpowers?” “How?” “Because I’m wearing my Spiderman suit! ‘"What are your superpowers?’” “I can climb on top of buildings, but here I learned how to climb a tree.” (Dunkirk)