“Don’t you see I have superpowers?”
“Because I’m wearing my Spiderman suit!
‘”What are your superpowers?’”
“I can climb on top of buildings, but here I learned how to climb a tree.” (Dunkirk)

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“About a week ago a man came running into the kitchen. He told one of the refugees, who also works as a volunteer that his nephew had a fever and was talking as if he was drunk. Together we went to their tent. When we arrived it was even worse than we expected. He was...

“Instead of applying for jobs after finishing my Master thesis I decided to volunteer. I said to myself, how can I go job hunting while so many people are suffering on my continent. Most refugees here lost family members because of IS. Together with the other...

These two were happily playing in the mud when I passed by. Some volunteers stopped to give them candy and hugs. For a second the camp felt less like a camp and more like a playground. Their childish energy made everyone smile and feel a bit hopeful for a moment. In...