“She was one of the baristas at the café I was managing. At work, we got along really well but at the time, I was still in a relationship with a man, and I had no idea that I could be attracted to women. After a year, I got transferred to a different branch of the company. A few months later, at a company party, we ran into each other again. My relationship had just ended. That evening we had quite a few drinks, we got to talk, and there was this strong chemistry between us. That night, I went home with her, and from that moment on, we are together. In the beginning, I thought it was just a phase, but I felt so comfortable with her that I realized it was for real. I’ve always been someone with quite a few walls up. Since I’m with her, I dare to be more vulnerable, which has also positively impacted my relationship with my friends and family. We have been in a relationship for two and a half years now, and one month ago, we moved in together. I always had this complete picture in my head of what my life would look like when I turn thirty. I thought I would have a house, a job, and live with a man. The picture looks slightly different, but it feels pretty complete.”

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