4/6 ”Finally, we arrived in front of a school building. We were all crying out for water. When they opened the truck, they started beating almost every one of us. They lined us all up and took us to a classroom. Again, they forced us to chant: ‘Srebrenica is, and always will be, Serbian.’ You could hear voices coming from the other classrooms. As soon as night fell, the soldiers started taking people outside, five men at a time. Minutes later, you would hear gunshots and people screaming. This routine kept repeating itself over and over again. The Serbian soldiers would come in and tell us that the Red Cross was coming to register us for prisoner exchange. Everyone wanted to escape, but it was obvious we had no chance. Around midnight, it was my turn. They ordered me to take off my clothes. They took me to an empty classroom. On the floor, there were many piles of clothes. A few minutes later, they ordered us to leave the classroom. When I got outside, I recognized one of my friends from school. We stood next to each other with our heads bent down. When we left, we saw dead bodies in front of the school. I could feel blood sticking to my bare feet. We were put on a truck and ordered to sit down. There were so many of us that we couldn’t. After 10 minutes, we arrived. We could barely see anything but heard the gunshots. On the truck, everyone tried to hide behind someone else, just to live a bit longer. I knew I was going to die. I just hoped I would die fast without suffering. Finally, it was my turn to get out of the truck. I walked with my head bent down and my hands tied behind my back. I started to think about my mother and how she would never know where I ended up. They were lining up rows of 5 people. They told us to line up. In front of us, there were already rows of dead bodies.”
(4/4) "Years later, we found out, through a reconstruction based on stories from different people, that Sadif was seen carrying Enesa through the forest while she was already dead. People had told him to leave her body behind. Sadif had told them that he wouldn’t...