4/4 “After the war, we moved to Tuzla. We didn’t hear anything from my father. In 1997, two years after the war, we received a call from the Missing Persons Institute. They had found my father. Back then, they had not started using DNA identification, so they would still invite family members to identify clothes or possessions. My mother was so broken that she could not go. Later, the Red Cross came by our house and again asked if we could identify the body. My mother recognized the car because it wasn’t the first time she had identified a family member. She panicked and ran up to the woods. They left us alone and said that whenever we were ready, we could come by to identify. Ten days before my graduation, I got a phone call asking if I could come to identify the body. I was seventeen at the time. Even though I was still a minor, I decided it was time. I told my mother it would be good to do it now. We would finally have a place to lay my father to rest. I went to the identification center with my mother. They told me that it seemed he had been killed in an ambush. Before entering the room, they explained that there were two tables. On one table were his bones and on the other his clothes. They told me to focus on the table where his clothes were laid out. When I entered the room, I immediately recognized his trousers. The first thing I did was reach into his pocket. There it was, covered in dirt, my Duplo toy, ‘Sabe’. After that, my world collapsed. I didn’t want to go to my graduation anymore. Teachers and students asked me to come, but I couldn’t. I had very long hair, but it started to fall out from stress. I stayed in my room for six months. I refused any help. I refused to visit a psychologist. Instead, I became my own psychologist. I started writing letters to my father. With every letter I wrote, I began to feel better. I collected all the letters and, with the help of my family and friends, I published a book called “To My Srebrenica Hero”. When I finished the book, I put it next to his grave, so when people visit the Srebrenica Memorial Center, they will know about my father and how much I love him.”


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(1/4) ''Because of my father's medical condition, we decided to try to go from Srebrenica to the city of Tuzla. My father and I managed to get on a truck. Unfortunately, my mother and sister could not get on a truck and had to stay in Srebrenica. However, my father’s...

I wanted to create this series because I believe that what happened 25 years ago in Srebrenica is part of Dutch history. Yet, before coming to Bosnia, I knew very little about what had happened. To be able to hear these stories, first hands from survivors was painful...

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