As some of you might have noticed I´m attending Amsterdam fashion week this year. While I stood at the entrance of the event I noticed this Italian couple sitting on the side steps being highly entertained by the crowd. When I walked up to them and asked them for their photograph they were perplexed. They barely spoke any Dutch nor English but the little man gave me a big smile which I assumed was a yes. While I took their photo he strongly held on to the balloons. I suspect he was keeping them for a granddaughter or son. Though we couldn’t really communicate I tried to explain them why I took their photo. I’m pretty sure they didn’t understood a word I was saying but the man kissed my hand and kept saying: Graci! Graci! I tried to give the woman a hand but she ignored and instead gave me a big hug and then she pinched my cheeks.
''We had a complicated relationship. She had a tough childhood. When she was still a baby, her mother tried to jump out of the window while holding her. As a result, she wasn't affectionate with me. I was nine when I made my first portrait of her. She had the most...